Japanese Photobooks at the ICP Library: Revisited

Photobooks are like candy. Temptation is constant. And, if you don’t watch out, your bookshelves begin to bulge and overflow. This necessitates the unpleasant task of making more space for new acquisitions – a process that often requires picking and choosing among your favorite children. Decisions are further complicated by the discovery of books that… Continue reading Japanese Photobooks at the ICP Library: Revisited

10X10 Reading Room (Day #1): Ferdinand Brueggemann / Galerie Priska Pasquer

10x10 Japanese Photobooks As part of 10x10 Japanese Photobooks, a pop-up reading room of 100 Japanese photobooks at the ICP-Bard MFA Studios from September 28-30, 2012 and an online resource space at Photo(o)lia, Monsters & Madonnas features one 10x10 reading room specialist per day. Reading room and online contributors have each been asked to suggest… Continue reading 10X10 Reading Room (Day #1): Ferdinand Brueggemann / Galerie Priska Pasquer