Liz Sales Favorite Photobooks of 2012

Matthew has asked me and a few other folks to post lists of our own favorite books of 2012. So, here is a list of my favorite photobooks (or, in some cases, books about photography) from 2012. They are held together by no underlying theme and listed in no particular order, and the list contains… Continue reading Liz Sales Favorite Photobooks of 2012

Consilience: Photographers Operating at the Intersection of Art and Science

Consilience Photographers Operating at the Intersection of Art and Science In many ways, art and science are likely bedfellows. Both support a culture of experimentation that is inspired by curiosity, while attracting individuals interested in generating fresh ideas and forging new paths. Consequently, there is a discoverable history of unifying practices, practitioners, and organizations dedicated… Continue reading Consilience: Photographers Operating at the Intersection of Art and Science